Beauty is where you find it . . .

As much as we grumble about winter, we sometimes overlook its simple beauties. There’s still “life” in a dead goldenrod that’s been dusted by yet another snowfall. Enjoy one more month. March can be our snowiest!goldenrod & snow

4 thoughts on “Beauty is where you find it . . .”

  1. The cardinals have begun to sing! Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this one of the first signs of spring? Can the robins be far behind?

  2. YES!
    We eagerly await the cardinals each year.
    Sometimes we hear them as early as January.
    First one we heard this year was Feb. 17.

    I was amazed to see a chipmunk under the bird feeder on Feb. 21.
    They usually stay asleep later than that.

    No robins – yet. But other birders have reported song sparrows.

  3. Snow seems to create more opportunities for beauty – contrasting, highlighting, framing things. Nice site Larry!

  4. We saw a robin in Duluth last week! No kidding, right down on a cedar bush near the lake.

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